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Here are the people and businesses that have helped us get to where we are today.

Matt Ciesielczyk
Matt, a great college friend of Jon's, spent countless hours doing construction getting Millie's ready. His handyman creativity is unstoppable.

Jim Kelly
Jim, master trainman, spent countless hours refurbishing the N-Scale train set within Millie's. His attention to detail and maticulous repair work got the entire train layout running. His tech expertise made our firehouse interactive!

Stephanie Sommerfeld
Stephanie is a visionary. She helped to envision the colors used within the space. She was also critical in the coordination of vendors. Stephanie is the founder of Acacia Living Photography (see logo/link above).

The Nemeckay and Crook Families
Alicia's family. This clan drove down from Madison numerous times to help tackle major and minor tasks leading up to our grand opening.

Doti Strening (and the rest of the Strening Family)
Jon's mom. Spent endless hours creating our logo and illustrating the sloth from scratch. Her creativity has never ceased to amaze anyone.
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