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Employee Key Release and Responsibility Agreement

I understand that, as a person with a key to the doors of Millie’s Playland LLC located at 5186 Northwest Highway, Suite 130, I agree to be entirely responsible for the security of the key to:
-Not to lend the key to anyone
-Not to duplicate the key for any reason
-Not to tag the key to identify its belonging to Millie’s Playland

By signing this agreement I agree to return the key within 24 hours of termination of employment or by request of Millie’s Playland owners. Failure to return the key within 24 hours of termination of employment or request of Millie’s Playland owners could result in the cost of changing ALL locks at Millie’s Playland (roughly a cost of over $2,000).

If there is a physical problem with the key or the physical operation of any door, the key holder will notify the owners of Millie’s Playland LLC IMMEDIATELY.

Employee Information

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